Saturday, August 31, 2019

"If love had a name"

Image result for black family

If love had a name...

When you call on love, what do you say? How do you call its name?
How would you expect for love to respond when you call its name?
And when love calls on you, how does love sound when it calls your name?
How would love expect for you to respond when it calls your name?

If love had a name...

All of the things that we expect to find in one another
should be the things that we expect to find in love...
All of the things that we hope to build with one another
should be the things that we hope to build in love...
All of the things that we desire in this life for one another
should be the things that we desire in this life for love...
All of the things that we have faith to do in this life
should be the things that we have faith to do in love...

If love had a name...

Whenever you call a friend and receive a soft answer,
and all of the tension that you may have felt earlier
all seems to fade away, and all you can think about
is the good feeling that you feel in that moment...
All you can think about is the genuine response
that you received just for calling their name...
A feeling so divine and true, a connection
that captivates you, and makes you feel alive...

If love had a name...

Calling out and reaching out for a constant motion,
a smooth flow of love, and a sure feeling that connects us...
Calling out and reaching out for a constant feeling,
a smooth flow of love, and a sure motion that directs us...
Answering life's questions and making a way
for people to smile, and to live a life full of joy...
Answering life's questions and living a way
for people to come around, and to dwell in unity...

If love had a name...

Who could we call? If ever times may seem too tough,
too tough to go on, and too tough to endure...
Who could we call? If ever things may not go our way,
or if there ever seems to be too many things in the way...
Who could we call? To feel assured, and to be assured,
that everything truly is going to be okay...
Who could we call? To be refreshed, and to stay afreshed,
knowing that life is infinite, and that we were made to love...

If love had a name.

"If love had a name"
Written by Zaaz The Infinite

All Rights Reserved Refresh Life Publishing 2019
(Photo courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Yes Julia, from my own studies and research I have come to find that MOST, IF NOT ALL of the diseases and sicknesses that we have known have come from humanities discourse and displacement. Eating healthy is apart of it, but eating indigenously is even more vital. When we are in our proper habitats and terrains (which correlates to our hablo types or blood levels) our minds and our bodies are automatically safe guarded from all disease and sickness, and we can automatically heal if there are any foreign threats. Many people have thought that they can just be wherever they wanted to be but the fact of the matter is, our bodies and minds have proven to correspond to Our Maker's motion that it set in a system for humanity regardless of what we eat or where we are. Our Creator has already established and aligned everything universally and earthly for every land and people and every individual be live in a wellness of life, or what I call "lefe'"... I feel that when we fast from eating and drinking, our body automatically purges itself from ALL TOXINS and anything that could be a threat to it, and it is the same with our minds, when we fast from HEARING OR SEEING certain things that could be toxic or unnatural and foreign to our minds. Our Maker made us basically indestructable and eternal, internally nd externally, and if we lived according to its purpose, I believe that our minds and our bodies would naturally live forever, and that we would unlock all types of levels of trust and safe passage universally, even to the point of achieving immortality, and traveling to other planets. Now, I will leave you with this... All diseases and sickenesses starts in the breathity, and then enters into the blood, which means that our atmosphere can be affected by other peoples thoughts, words, and practices, and by their influence or discourse against humanity and Our Maker, which has brought all types of thinking, and living and eating and practices that could cause toxicitity in our blood levels, clogged arterries, mental blockages, improper blood flow, and other issues. The main thing to remember is very easy.... MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ALIGNEMENT... When we are PHYSICALLY in our proper CLIMATE ZONES, TIME ZONES, AND TERRAINS, and MENTALLY in our proper TIME PARALLELS, BELIEFS, AND PEOPLE SYSTEMS, our mental and physical health is aligned to living infinite lives, without death, and without sicknesses and diseases AUTOMATICALLY... Certain insects and other creatures have proven it... It is rather easy for us to achieve, but we must build the proper trust and safe passage mentally and physically.
