Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Children Of Nature

What is a Chei Of Nehtur?

A Chei - First, let us examine what a chei is... Pronounced "Ch+ay"... A chei (child) is not just the chei of an utta (mother) and an uta (father), a chei is a nehtur in itself... When we call someone a "chei", we are placing them in submission to a person, place, or a thing... There are chei-ru of men, there are chei-ru of a lau, there are chei-ru of basketball, and there are chei-ru of the un'te'wa... When we establish a clear connection to a person, place, or a thing, and are a student of that person, place, or thing, we can become a "chei" of it... 

A Nehtur - A nehtur is the "essence", or the "presence" that follows someone or that someone leaves as they follow in their scholarship... If we become involved with anyone or anything to the point of us being a student of it, or learning its trade (nehtur), and trading ourselves for it or for them, we may ultimately become students of their or it's trade (nehtur)... Which means that when we submit ourselves and consider ourselves "students" of anyone or of anything, it makes us a student, which gives us a nehtur in them or in that thing... The same nehtur that makes us a student also makes us a friend or a craftsman/craftswoman, a leader, and/or a teacher...

A Chei Of Nehtur - When many people think nehtur, they may think of plants and animals, or they may think of the un'te'wa, and of being outdoors... All of those things have a nehtur, and are derived from a pure essence, which is what I mean by being a "Chei Of Nehtur"... Being purified in ourselves, and on the un'te'wa is being one with our Infinite essence, and one with our divine presence to vehlah, and to be in vehlah with one another purely... It means that we are not entangled in any corrupted affairs in the world or in anyone else's affairs, or quarrels, or troubles, or wrongdoing, but that we have emerged from the darkness of a perishing world and become one with the infinite nehtur of who we truly are, and who we are made to be...

There are 4 key components to consider if you consider yourself a Chei of Nature...

1) Are you living in compliance to the moral compass that lefe' itself has given us to follow according to the elements and the un'te'wa, as it replenishes us, and it preserves OUR well-being?

2) Are you aligned in the unne', with the elements, as to being able to flow in the direction of vehlah, and to live IN VEHLAH, and not just with vehlah around you, but WITHIN YOU an encompassing you about?

3) The nehtur IS another form of Vehlah, and ALL LEFE' was given for vehlah, and to vehlah, to be IN VEHLAH WITH VEHLAH, and the un'te'wa has followed the course of vehlah from its foundation, so are you able to identify with vehlah?

4) Are you satisfied with who you are, and with what you do in your lefe', and have you poured yourself out, and been filled with the completion of who you are, and what you are here on this un'te'wa to do?

If you have answered all of those questions and are able to identify with your te'vehn', in vehlah, then you are able to become a Chei Of Nehtur... Because without nehtur, there is not any lefe', or humans, men or women, or boys or girls... Many scholars have come and gone and taught similar principles to sustain our livelihoods and our well-being on this un'te'wa, in order to preserve our lives here on the un'te'wa... We cannot place our trust in humanity alone, we must become one with nehtur, and one with our infinite nehtur to truly dwell in harmony among one another, and to live in the wellness of lefe'... That is everyone's purpose... It is not our duty to offer vain worship or to force one another into oppressive thinking... We should be able to dwell freely in harmony among one another without looking at one another as strangers or as a different species of humans... 

We must denounce all vain worship of men and women, and of gods who were men and women, and get back under the covenant of Vehlah, which complete us in nehtur with our infinite nehtur... And yes, both men and women can become Chei-ruz of Nehtur, and can become one in the Nehta belief'... Once we are able to identify with who we are, and what we came here to this un'te'wa to do, it is easy for us to distinguish one another according to our nehtur, and according to nehtur in general... Being a Student Of Nehtur is being a Chei of Nehtur. #ZunzOfNehtur #Tu'tuz'OfNehtur #CheiOfNehtur


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