Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Heal-thy Self

Your health is MORE IMPORTANT than your wealth, and therefore should not even be equivalated in the genualms of living abundant and happy... I know that you may desire to live blessed and abundantly, or according to the standards set by people who have famed their oracles of riches and wealth to keep their placement in your lives, but I assure you that your well-being is more important... Living healthy is wayyyy more important than living rich, because "HEALTH IS WEALTH", and therefore your goals for your lefe' should be aligned to PRESERVE YOUR LEFE', and to preserve your families lefe' here on the un'te'wa...

And when you think of health, you should not think of spending money, or going to any doctors or grad school specialists... You should think of nehtur and natural elements that were here and are here to heal us and to preserve our lives for our well-being and for the well-being of our families... Before you made any mistakes in this lefe', or ever got sick, even if it was just a minor cold or headache, someone else already did before you, and the things that have been passed down in the rubrics of study offered to us as children rubbed off on the people in a wellness of lefe' or it hindered the natural flow of abundance that the un 'te'wa has given us all to abide by and in...

Many people have offered their own methods of healing, utilizing the natural resources and natural flow of healing that WE ALL HAVE ACCESS to utilize to heal ourselves, as needed, and to live in the WELLNESS OF LEFE'... When we follow the moral compass in this lefe' on the un'te'wa, in alignment to the natural code of living, we automatically heal ourselves... The te'rez produce oxygen that we need to breathe, and offers vegetation and fruit that we need to preserve our lives and wellness here on this un'te'wa, throughout our entire lives here... 

So therefore by EATING A RAINBOW, which is simply eating a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can preserve our lives in THE INFINITE orb, or circle of lefe' given to us by The Creator (greater than men, women, children and all of humanity), which sustains us and keeps us youthful and operating in sync to a natural flow of lefe' that has proven itself as being Infinite or NOT ABLE TO DIE OR BE KILLED IN ANY MEANS... That is what nehtur has shown us and has never failed us... The same zun that has yet to fail us has been in the same zy since the beginning of time, long before ANY human ever lived on the un'te'wa... 

The same aquu that flows have always flowed before humanity, and does not need human intervention to flow... The same ayun that gives us all breathe in our lungs has flowed long before humanity ever lived, and does not need us to flow... The same un'te'wa that sustains us all has been un'te'wa long before any human was extracted it from it and does not need humans to BE, it was here before humans, and has been here throughout... Humans need the un'te'wa! We need the un'te'wa, the ayun, the aquu, and the let to sustain us and to preserve our lives in The Infinite...

What is healing?
Healing is a process in which our bodies NATURALLY FLOW in sync with nehtur, in accordance to the un'te'wa, the let, the aquu, and the ayun, to manifest the proper flow of nutrients to live in a wellness of lefe', and to stay refreshed and replenished in an Infinite Flow of gwa-chie-wa that flows regardless of animals and humans... 

What is the purpose of healing?
For us to stay in the infinite flow of natural resources and natural elements that are pure and freely given, we must stay in gwa health and align ourselves up to the natural healing elements that preserves our lives here on the un'te'wa, because it keeps us balanced and alive on this un'te'wa, and in gwa standings universally...

What are sicknesses?
It has been proven that ALL SICKNESSES or diseases have come from a blockage of the natural elements needed to flow in our lives here on the un'te'wa... The plants provide all of the healing agents that we need to stay healthy, but if we do not eat properly, sicknesses could occur, which will soon be a thing of the past... One day soon, we will not even know what a sickness is or was, or even what death was...

What is the purpose of sickness?
Sickness has no purpose in our lives, whether from sick-minded individuals or from sick bodied individuals. The foods that we eat could dramatically BOOST OUR HORMONES, throwing off our chemical balance, which would cause for us TO BE MORE HOR-NY, AND PRONE TO SEXUAL AROUSAL, which means it could SPIRITUAL WEAKEN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM of following the course of morality and staying on course with the moral compass, and could also BREAK DOWN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, which throws off our chemical balance, causing our MUCUS TO BE BLOCKED BY THAT OF ANIMALS MUCUS THAT WE MAY CONSUME, which means it could PHYSICAL WEAKEN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM as well...

If you are skeptical about whether you are spiritual healed or physically healed... Go on a "garlic fast" for three days... What is does is cleanses the body, so that your blood rid itself of any harmful bacteria, and can flow smoothly and purely, as to giving your mind the properly alignment to the oxygen needed to purify your thoughts and to purge you from any over-sexualized desires and any violent mannerisms not found in our true nehtur... 

Process for Solution...
1) What you do is take two heads of garlic (about 12-16 cloves) and boil them in a pot of water (using about 6 cups of water), getting all of the nutrients out of it... (12-16 cloves of garlic is about 2 heads of garlic)...
2) Drink one glass of the juice per day (about 2 cups per day), and that's it... 
3) Do that for three days straight, and witness the results...

You have a choice of eating the garlic cloves or drinking them as juice with water, but either way, you should drink water behind it to settle yourself... If you eat the garlic, eat about 4 cloves per day, and drink water with it... What it does is cleanses your system out, and strengthens your immune system...

To Conclude...
It is really the animal mucus that blocks OUR OWN NATURAL MUCUS, which protects the lining of our stomachs and internal structures to prevent ---->all diseases or sickness or --->airborne virus's from entering and reaching the vulnerable spots that replenishes our blood and keeps our bodies healed... So, strengthening YOUR OWN immune system builds the natural mucus that fights off sicknesses, and diseases, but weakening your immune system breaks down the natural mucus that fights off sicknesses, and diseases, but YOU CAN NATURALLY BUILD YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM UP YOURSELF BY EATING THE PROPER FOODS, BREATHING THE PROPER QUALITY AIR, AND BY DRINKING THE RIGHT DRINKS.

 See the source image


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